Preparing your clinic to sell is ‘key’. Prior to having your photos taken for your sales prospectus or getting it ready for a buyer to come through and inspect you must have it ready and looking the best it can be so please follow these few tips:

1. Clean, clean, clean
Cleaning your practice, really cleaning it, is absolutely essential. Many a prospective buyer has been put off a practice that looks dingy and unloved. Be methodical — go from treatment room to treatment room and clean every single surface so it gleams, then, of course, the reception and waiting area must look tidy and inviting.
Clean until the place sparkles from floor to ceiling. Rid every corner of grime, cobwebs, mildew, stains, hair and dust. Polish windows and mirrors until they gleam. You’ll be amazed at how much more light is let in when the glass is clean. Wipe out the inside of cupboards and drawers. Weed the garden, and sweep the front path, the entrance to the practice must look good.
A professional cleaner might be worthwhile getting in for the job if your time is limited.


2. Repair obvious problems
Even if you have decided not to carry out a major makeover or renovation of your practice, you can still ensure that it’s free of any obvious, unsightly problems. Some prospective clinic buyers may not be able to look past imperfections such as a badly stained front reception counter or cracked windows, and may wonder if signs of neglect indicate a practice that is not in good repair generally.
Spend at least a couple of weekends carrying out some basic repair jobs or get a handyman in to do the job before you entertain an inspection.


3. Spruce up the garden
You don’t necessarily have to carry out a large landscaping job on your garden before you put the practice up for sale, but do make sure it’s free of weeds, that the lawn is kept trim and that you prune shrubs and trees into shape. Some pots of colourful flowers or greenery near the entrance to the clinic will not go astray. You don’t need to go overboard; it should look natural. Keep newly planted shrubs or plants well-watered.


4. Arrange equipment and supplies
You’ll have already removed all the unnecessary items cluttering up the rooms in your practice but as you come up to an inspection you need to arrange each consultation room plus reception so that everything looks in place. Ensure to have supplies topped up and electrical cords hidden.


5. Freshen up smells
Bad odours are another big put-off for prospective buyers. You don’t want people walking around your practice with a wrinkled nose puzzling over a strange smell. Ideally, your practice should have little or no smell at all — except for that clean clinic smell.


6. Bring in light
Maximise natural light in your clinic by ensuring the windows are absolutely sparkling clean. You’ll be surprised how much light can be reduced by dust and spots on the glass. Remove heavy drapes or blinds if they’re cutting out the available light in reception especially (you can put them back once you’ve sold).


For more advice on preparing your clinic for sale, whether it be preparing it for inspections or otherwise, please do not hesitate to contact us at Healthcare Practice Sales – it is our area of specialization.